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Replicating NATS Streams between clusters

I’ve mentioned NATS before – the fast and light weight message broker from – but I haven’t yet covered the sister product NATS Streaming before so first some intro.

NATS Streaming is in the same space as Kafka, it’s a stream processing system and like NATS it’s super light weight delivered as a single binary and you do not need anything like Zookeeper. It uses normal NATS for communication and ontop of that builds streaming semantics. Like NATS – and because it uses NATS – it is not well suited to running over long cluster links so you end up with LAN local clusters only.

This presents a challenge since very often you wish to move data out of your LAN. I wrote a Replicator tool for NATS Streaming which I’ll introduce here.


First I guess it’s worth covering what Streaming is, I should preface also that I am quite new in using Stream Processing tools so I am not about to give you some kind of official answer but just what it means to me.

In a traditional queue like ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ, which I covered in my Common Messaging Patterns posts, you do have message storage, persistence etc but those who consume a specific queue are effectively a single group of consumers and messages either go to all or load shared all at the same pace. You can’t really go back and forth over the message store independently as a client. A message gets ack’d once and once it’s been ack’d it’s done being processed.

In a Stream your clients each have their own view over the Stream, they all have their unique progress and point in the Stream they are consuming and they can move backward and forward – and indeed join a cluster of readers if they so wish and then have load balancing with the other group members. A single message can be ack’d many times but once ack’d a specific consumer will not get it again.

This is to me the main difference between a Stream processing system and just a middleware. It’s a huge deal. Without it you will find it hard to build very different business tools centred around the same stream of data since in effect every message can be processed and ack’d many many times vs just once.

Additionally Streams tend to have well defined ordering behaviours and message delivery guarantees and they support clustering etc. much like normal middleware has. There’s a lot of similarity between streams and middleware so it’s a bit hard sometimes to see why you won’t just use your existing queueing infrastructure.

Replicating a NATS Stream

I am busy building a system that will move Choria registration data from regional data centres to a global store. The new Go based Choria daemon has a concept of a Protocol Adapter which can receive messages on the traditional NATS side of Choria and transform them into Stream messages and publish them.

This gets me my data from the high frequency, high concurrency updates from the Choria daemons into a Stream – but the Stream is local to the DC. Indeed in the DC I do want to process these messages to build a metadata store there but I also want to processes these messages for replication upward to my central location(s).

Hence the importance of the properties of Streams that I highlighted above – multiple consumers with multiple views of the Stream.

There are basically 2 options available:

  1. Pick a message from a topic, replicate it, pick the next one, one after the other in a single worker
  2. Have a pool of workers form a queue group and let them share the replication load

At the basic level the first option will retain ordering of the messages – order in the source queue will be the order in the target queue. NATS Streaming will try to redeliver a message that timed out delivery and it won’t move on till that message is handled, thus ordering is safe.

The 2nd option since you have multiple workers you have no way to retain ordering of the messages since workers will go at different rates and retries can happen in any order – it will be much faster though.

I can envision a 3rd option where I have multiple workers replicating data into a temporary store where on the other side I inject them into the queue in order but this seems super prone to failure, so I only support these 2 methods for now.

Limiting the rate of replication

There is one last concern in this scenario, I might have 10s of data centres all with 10s of thousands of nodes. At the DC level I can handle the rate of messages but at the central location where I might have 10s of DCs x 10s of thousands of machines if I had to replicate ALL the data at near real time speed I would overwhelm the central repository pretty quickly.

Now in the case of machine metadata you probably want the first piece of metadata immediately but from then on it’ll be a lot of duplicated data with only small deltas over time. You could be clever and only publish deltas but you have the problem then that should a delta publish go missing you end up with a inconsistent state – this is something that will happen in distributed systems.

So instead I let the replicator inspect your JSON, if your JSON has something like fqdn in it, it can look at that and track it and only publish data for any single matching sender every 1 hour – or whatever you configure.

This has the effect that this kind of highly duplicated data is handled continuously in the edge but that it only gets a snapshot replication upwards once a hour for any given node. This solves the problem neatly for me without there being any risks to deltas being lost, it’s also a lot simpler to implement.

Choria Stream Replicator

So finally I present the Choria Stream Replicator. It does all that was described above with a YAML configuration file, something like this:
debug: false                     # default
verbose: false                   # default
logfile: "/path/to/logfile"      # STDOUT default
state_dir: "/path/to/statedir"   # optional
        topic: acme.cmdb
        source_url: nats://source1:4222,nats://source2:4222
        source_cluster_id: dc1
        target_url: nats://target1:4222,nats://target2:4222
        target_cluster_id: dc2
        workers: 10              # optional
        queued: true             # optional
        queue_group: cmdb        # optional
        inspect: host            # optional
        age: 1h                  # optional
        monitor: 10000           # optional
        name: cmdb_replicator    # optional

Please review the README document for full configuration details.

I’ve been running this in a test DC with 1k nodes for a week or so and I am really happy with the results, but be aware this is new software so due care should be given. It’s available as RPMs, has a Puppet module, and I’ll upload some binaries on the next release.

The Choria Emulator

In my previous posts I discussed what goes into load testing a Choria network, what connections are made, subscriptions are made etc.

From this it’s obvious the things we should be able to emulate are:

  • Connections to NATS
  • Subscriptions – which implies number of agents and sub collectives
  • Message payload sizes

To make it realistically affordable to emulate many more machines that I have I made an emulator that can start numbers of Choria daemons on a single node.

I’ve been slowly rewriting MCollective daemon side in Go which means I already had all the networking and connectors available there, so a daemon was written:

usage: choria-emulator --instances=INSTANCES [<flags>]
Emulator for Choria Networks
      --help                 Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --version              Show application version.
      --name=""              Instance name prefix
  -i, --instances=INSTANCES  Number of instances to start
  -a, --agents=1             Number of emulated agents to start
      --collectives=1        Number of emulated subcollectives to create
  -c, --config=CONFIG        Choria configuration file
      --tls                  Enable TLS on the NATS connections
      --verify               Enable TLS certificate verifications on the NATS connections
      --server=SERVER ...    NATS Server pool, specify multiple times (eg one:4222)
  -p, --http-port=8080       Port to listen for /debug/vars

You can see here it takes a number of instances, agents and collectives. The instances will all respond with ${name}-${instance} on any mco ping or RPC commands. It can be discovered using the normal mc discovery – though only supports agent and identity filters.

Every instance will be a Choria daemon with the exact same network connection and NATS subscriptions as real ones. Thus 50 000 emulated Choria will put the exact same load of work on your NATS brokers as would normal ones, performance wise even with high concurrency the emulator performs quite well – it’s many orders of magnitude faster than the ruby Choria client anyway so it’s real enough.

The agents they start are all copies of this one:

Choria Agent emulated by choria-emulator
      Author: R.I.Pienaar <>
     Version: 0.0.1
     License: Apache-2.0
     Timeout: 120
   Home Page:
   Requires MCollective 2.9.0 or newer
   generate action:
       Generates random data of a given size
              Description: Amount of text to generate
                   Prompt: Size
                     Type: integer
                 Optional: true
            Default Value: 20
              Description: Generated Message
               Display As: Message

You can this has a basic data generator action – you give it a desired size and it makes you a message that size. It will run as many of these as you wish all called like emulated0 etc.

It has an mcollective agent that go with it, the idea is you create a pool of machines all with your normal mcollective on it and this agent. Using that agent then you build up a different new mcollective network comprising the emulators, federation and NATS.

Here’s some example of commands – you’ll see these later again when we talk about scenarios:

We download the dependencies onto all our nodes:

$ mco playbook run setup-prereqs.yaml --emulator_url= --gnatsd_url= --choria_url=

We start NATS on our first node:

$ mco playbook run start-nats.yaml --monitor 8300 --port 4300 -I

We start the emulator with 1500 instances per node all pointing to our above NATS:

$ mco playbook run start-emulator.yaml --agents 10 --collectives 10 --instances 750 --monitor 8080 --servers

You’ll then setup a client config for the built network and can interact with it using normal mco stuff and the test suite I’ll show later. Simularly there are playbooks to stop all the various parts etc. The playbooks just interact with the mcollective agent so you could use mco rpc directly too.

I found I can easily run 700 to 1000 instances on basic VMs – needs like 1.5GB RAM – so it’s fairly light. Using 400 nodes I managed to build a 300 000 node Choria network and could easily interact with it etc.

Finally I made a ec2 environment where you can stand up a Puppet Master, Choria, the emulator and everything you need and do load tests on your own dime. I was able to do many runs with 50 000 emulated nodes on EC2 and the whole lot cost me less than $20.

The code for this emulator is very much a work in progress as is the Go code for the Choria protocol and networking but the emulator is here if you want to take a peek.

Load testing Choria


Many of you probably know I am working on a project called Choria that modernize MCollective which will eventually supersede MCollective (more on this later).

Given that Choria is heading down a path of being a rewrite in Go I am also taking the opportunity to look into much larger scale problems to meet some client needs.

In this and the following posts I’ll write about work I am doing to load test and validate Choria to 100s of thousands of nodes and what tooling I created to do that.


Choria builds around the NATS middleware which is a Go based middleware server that forgoes a lot of the persistence and other expensive features – instead it focusses on being a fire and forget middleware network. It has an additional project should you need those features so you can mix and match quite easily.

Turns out that’s exactly what typical MCollective needs as it never really used the persistence features and those just made the associated middleware quite heavy.

To give you an idea, in the old days the community would suggest every ~ 1000 nodes managed by MCollective required a single ActiveMQ instance. Want 5 500 MCollective nodes? That’ll be 6 machines – physical recommended – and 24 to 30 GB RAM in a cluster just to run the middleware. We’ve had reports of much larger RabbitMQ networks on 4 or 5 servers – 50 000 managed nodes or more, but those would be big machines and they had quite a lot of performance issues.

There was a time where 5 500 nodes was A LOT but now it’s becoming a bit every day, so I need to focus upward.

With NATS+Choria I am happily running 5 500 nodes on a single 2 CPU VM with 4GB RAM. In fact on a slightly bigger VM I am happily running 50 000 nodes on a single VM and NATS uses around 1GB to 1.5GB of RAM at peak.

Doing 100s of RPC requests in a row against 50 000 nodes the response time is pretty solid around 16 seconds for a RPC call to every node, it’s stable, never drops a message and the performance stays level in the absence of Java GC issues. This is fast but also quite slow – the Ruby client manages about 300 replies every 0.10 seconds due to the amount of protocol decoding etc that is needed.

This brings with it a whole new level of problem. Just how far can we take the client code and how do you determine when it’s too big and how do I know the client, broker and federation I am working on significantly improve things.

I’ve also significantly reworked the network protocol to support Federation but the shipped code optimize for code and config simplicity over lets say support for 20 000 Federation Collectives. When we are talking about truly gigantic Choria networks I need to be able to test scenarios involving 10s of thousands of Federated Network all with 10s of thousands of nodes in them. So I need tooling that lets me do this.

Getting to running 50 000 nodes

Not everyone just happen to have a 50 000 node network lying about they can play with so I had to improvise a bit.

As part of the rewrite I am doing I am building a Go framework with the Choria protocol, config parsing and network handling all built in Go. Unlike the Ruby code I can instantiate multiple of these in memory and run them in Go routines.

This means I could write a emulator that can start a number of faked Choria daemons all in one process. They each have their own middleware connection, run a varying amount of agents with a varying amount of sub collectives and generally behave like a normal MCollective machine. On my MacBook I can run 1 500 Choria instances quite easily.

So with fewer than 60 machines I can emulate 50 000 MCollective nodes on a 3 node NATS cluster and have plenty of spare capacity. This is well within budget to run on AWS and not uncommon these days to have that many dev machines around.

In the following posts I’ll cover bits about the emulator, what I look for when determining optimal network sizes and how to use the emulator to test and validate performance of different network topologies.

Follow-up Posts

Choria Update

Recently at Config Management Camp I’ve had many discussions about Orchestration, Playbooks and Choria, I thought it’s time for another update on it’s status.

I am nearing version 1.0.0, there are a few things to deal with but it’s getting close. Foremost I wanted to get the project it’s own space on all the various locations like GitHub, Forge, etc.

Inevitably this means getting a logo, it’s been a bit of a slog but after working through loads of feedback on Twitter and offers for assistance from various companies I decided to go to a private designer called Isaac Durazo and the outcome can be seen below:


The process of getting the logo was quite interesting and I am really pleased with the outcome, I’ll blog about that separately.

Other than the logo the project now has it’s own GitHub organisation at and I have moved all the forge modules to it’s own space as well

There are various other places the logo show up like in the Slack notifications and so forth.

On the project front there’s a few improvements:

  • There is now a registration plugin that records a bunch of internal stats on disk, the aim is for them to be read by Collectd and Sensu
  • A new Auditing plugin that emits JSON structured data
  • Several new Data Stores for Playbooks – files, environment.
  • Bug fixes on Windows
  • All the modules, plugins etc have moved to the Choria Forge and GitHub
  • Quite extensive documentation site updates including branding with the logo and logo colors.

There is now very few things left to do to get 1.0.0 out but I guess another release or two will be done before then.

So from now to update to coming versions you need to use the choria/mcollective_choria module which will pull in all it’s dependencies from the Choria project rather than my own Forge.

Still no progress on moving the actual MCollective project forward but I’ve discussed a way to deal with forking the various projects in a way that seems to work for what I want to achieve. In reality I’ll only have time to do that in a couple of months so hopefully something positive will happen in the mean time.

Head over to to take a look.

Choria Playbooks – Data Sources

About a month ago I blogged about Choria Playbooks – a way to write series of actions like MCollective, Shell, Slack, Web Hooks and others – contained within a YAML script with inputs, node sets and more.

Since then I added quite a few tweaks, features and docs, it’s well worth a visit to to check it out.

Today I want to blog about a major new integration I did into them and a major step towards version 1 for Choria.


In the context of a playbook or even a script calling out to other system there’s many reasons to have a Data Source. In the context of a playbook designed to manage distributed systems the Data Source needed has some special needs. Needs that tools like Consul and etcd fulfil specifically.

So today I released version 0.0.20 of Choria that includes a Memory and a Consul Data Source, below I will show how these integrate into the Playbooks.

I think using a distributed data store is important in this context rather than expecting to pass variables from the Playbook around like on the CLI since the business of dealing with the consistency, locking and so forth are handled and I can’t know all the systems you wish to interact with, but if those can speak to Consul you can prepare an execution environment for them.

For those who don’t agree there is a memory Data Store that exists within the memory of the Playbook. Your playbook should remain the same apart from declaring the Data Source.

Using Consul

Defining a Data Source

Like with Node Sets you can have multiple Data Sources and they are identified by name:
    type: consul
    timeout: 360
    ttl: 20

This creates a Consul Data Source called pb_data, you need to have a local Consul Agent already set up. I’ll cover the timeout and ttl a bit later.

Playbook Locks

You can create locks in Consul and by their nature they are distributed across the Consul network. This means you can ensure a playbook can only be executed once per Consul DC or by giving a custom lock name any group of related playbooks or even other systems that can make Consul locks.
  - pb_data
  - pb_data/custom_lock

This will create 2 locks in the pb_data Data Store – one called custom_lock and another called choria/locks/playbook/pb_name where pb_name is the name from the metadata.

It will try to acquire a lock for up to timeout seconds – 360 here, if it can’t the playbook run fails. The associated session has a TTL of 20 seconds and Choria will renew the sessions around 5 seconds before the TTL expires.

The TTL will ensure that should the playbook die, crash, machine die or whatever, the lock will release after 20 seconds.

Binding Variables

Playbooks already have a way to bind CLI arguments to variables called Inputs. Data Sources extend inputs with extra capabilities.

We now have two types of Input. A static input is one where you give the data on the CLI and the data stays static for the life of the playbook. A dynamic input is one bound against a Data Source and the value of it is fetched every time you reference the variable.

    description: "Cluster to deploy"
    type: "String"
    required: true
    data: "pb_data/choria/kv/cluster"
    default: "alpha"

Here we have a input called cluster bound to the choria/kv/cluster key in Consul. This starts life as a static input and if you give this value on the CLI it will never use the Data Source.

If however you do not specify a CLI value it becomes dynamic and will consult Consul. If there’s no such key in Consul the default is used, but the input remains dynamic and will continue to consult Consul on every access.

You can force an input to be dynamic which will mean it will not show up on the CLI and will only speak to a data source using the dynamic: true property on the Input.

Writing and Deleting Data

Of course if you can read data you should be able to write and delete it, I’ve added tasks to let you do this:
  - pb_data

    description: "Cluster to deploy"
    type: "String"
    required: true
    data: "pb_data/choria/kv/cluster"
    default: "alpha"
    validation: ":shellsafe"

    - data:
        action: "delete"
        key: "pb_data/choria/kv/cluster"

  - shell:
      description: Deploy to cluster {{{ inputs.cluster }}}
      command: /path/to/script --cluster {{{ inputs.cluster }}}

  - data:
      action: "write"
      value: "bravo"
      key: "pb_data/choria/kv/cluster"

  - shell:
      description: Deploy to cluster {{{ inputs.cluster }}}
      command: /path/to/script --cluster {{{ inputs.cluster }}}

Here I have a pre_book task list that ensures there is no stale data, the lock ensures no other Playbook will mess around with the data while we run.

I then run a shell command that uses the cluster input, with nothing there it uses the default and so deploys cluster alpha, it then writes a new value and deploys cluster brova.

This is a bit verbose I hope to add the ability to have arbitrarily named tasks lists that you can branch to, then you can have 1 deploy task list and use the main task list to set up variables for it and call it repeatedly.


That’s quite a mouthful, the possibilities of this is quite amazing. On one hand we have a really versatile data store in the Playbooks but more significantly we have expanded the integration possibilities by quite a bit, you can now have other systems manage the environment your playbooks run in.

I will soon add task level locks and of course Node Set integration.

For now only Consul and Memory is supported, I can add others if there is demand.