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Last weekend I finally got to a point of 1.0.0 of my travel map software, this week inbetween other things I made a few improvements:

  • Support 3rd party tile sets like Open Streetmap, Map Quest, Water Color, Toner, Dark Matter and Positron. These let you customise your look a bit, the Demo Site has them all enabled.
  • Map sets are supported, I use this to track my Travel Wishlist vs Places I’ve been.
  • Rather than list every individual yaml file in a directory to define a set you can now just point at a directory and everything will get loaded
  • You can designate a single yaml file as writable, the geocoder can then save points to disk directly without you having to do any YAML things.
  • The geocoder renders better on mobile devices and support geocoding based on your current position to make it easy to add points on the go.
  • Lots of UX improvements to the geocoder

Seems like a huge amount of work but it was all quite small additions, mainly done in a hour or so after work.