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This is the 2nd part of my ongoing series of posts about designing a simple Single Signon System for PHP, you should read part 1 first.

I am often annoyed about series of blog posts that don’t make it clear what the end goal is early on, so you end up wasting time reading through loads of stuff only to realise at the end its a bad fit.  So below you’ll see some sample bits of code using my Single Sign On system in PHP and Apache after this you can easily decide to just ignore the rest of the posts or to keep paying attention.

First as I said the authentication should be pluggable, I want to be able to fetch users from LDAP, MySQL, and any number of other things, towards this goal I made the actual code that does the hard work pluggable by using a simple OO module and an interface.  Below is a bit of code to just always allow a user ‘john’ in with the password ‘secret’, the values for name etc is hardcoded and you can’t change the settings, but you’ll get the basic idea!

class StupidAuth implements pSSO_Authenticator {
    public function 
_authenticate($username$password) {
        if (
$username == "john" && $password == "secret") {


    public function _getEmailAddress() {

    public function _getRealName() {
"John Doe");

    public function _getUsername() {

    public function _getTimeZone() {

    public function _setEmailAddress() {

    public function _setRealName() {

    public function _setUsername() {

    public function _setTimeZone() {

It doesn’t really come simpler than that, within this framework you really should be able to do almost any form of authentication, if PHP can talk to it and auth then so should the SSO system.  This code will live in the server, I won’t go much into the server here, it’s just a really a system to wrap the code above into a well defined protocol between client and server, more on this some other day.  For now just assume there is a config file on the server and you tell it what Class implements the actual auth – StupidAuth in this case.

Now for a quick client, remember the client can run anywhere on any domain, and I want my clients to be registered with me before they can use the SSO system.  To this end each client has a Pre Shared Key (PSK) and a unique ID.  The PSK is used to encrypt the communications from the SSO server to the SSO client as the reply will have real names, email addresses and such in it, you don’t want this to show up in proxy logs and such!

Here’s a quick client:


    $psk "goG4mUrJeacE7VyidEfd";
$siteid 1;
$ssoServer "";
$thisURL "http://" $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];


    // the SSO server sent us back a token, validate it and set cookies
if (isSet($_GET['authdata']) && ($_GET['v'])) {
$psso = new pSSO_Client($_GET['authdata'], $_GET['v'], $psk,
        if (
$psso->authenticate()) {
// The user is logged in, send him back to this same url
            // except without any GET params etc, so he'll be a normal
            // returning logged in user.
header("Location: " .$thisURL);
        } else {
// login failed, eventhough it shouldn't have, bail out
Throw new Exception ("Login failed:" $psso->getError());
    } else {
// We didn't get a token, either its a guest or he already has cookies
        // from a previous visit
$psso = new pSSO_Client(""""$psk$siteid$ssoServer);
        if (
$psso->isLoggedIn()) {
"You are logged in:<br><br>");
username is: " 
$psso->getUserName() . "<br>");
"Your real name is: " $psso->getRealName() . "<br>");
"Your email address is: " $psso->getEmailAddress() . "<br>");
"Your timezone is: " $psso->getTimeZone() . "<br>");
        } else {

"Welcome guest, you can login <a href='" $psso->getAuthURL($thisURL)

A quick run through the code:

  • Define the PSK, SSO Server URL and your unique ID, all of this will be supplied by the SSO server when you register your site.
  • Start a session – this is used to associate a one-time-use token that travels between the SSO client and Server, more on this later but it helps prevent session replay attacks.
  • Check if we got the data that the SSO server will typically pass us $_GET[‘authdata’] and $_GET[‘v’], if we did get it, start up a SSO client and authenticate.  Showing the protected page on success or an error message if it failed.
  • If the GET parameters aren’t present it is either a first visit or a returning visit, the SSO Client lib gets used to find out if its a returning visit and shows some personal information if the user is logged in, else presents the user with a bit of guest info and a link to the login form.  Again here the SSO client library generate all the needed URLs and encryption and what not.

I think this very simple use case should demonstrate the ease of use, you could now easily decide to either just not have a local user database at all, just perhaps ACL’s based on username or some local cached user data that has additional information your app provides in a local database perhaps referenced by username, so relying simply on the SSO for auth.

You’ll remember I also wanted to do HTTP Authentication, I have a beta stage Apache mod_perl module to do this, below you’ll see a bit of Apache config to protect my Nagios installation using the SSO:

        <Directory “/usr/share/nagios”>
               AuthType Apache::Auth_pSSO
               AuthName pSSO
               PerlAuthenHandler Apache::Auth_pSSO->authenticate
               require valid-user
               PerlSetVar pSSO_PSK “goG4mUrJeacE7VyidEfd”

Again notice the PSK in there, at the moment site id and SSO server URLs are hardcoded, but like I said, its beta code ๐Ÿ™‚

With both of the samples above, instead of a pop-up HTTP Auth dialog, you will simply see the SSO login form if you’ve not authenticated already, else you will just see the protected resource or nagios no questions asked.

So that’s it, a quick run through what can be achieved with the SSO libraries on both server and client, in the next post I’ll get into some details of the protocol between server and client.