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I use a PHP development framework that I have been building on and improving for the last 4 or 5 years.  I used a framework called Roadsend SiteManager years ago but when the amount of non-backward compatible changes they were making got too much I started working on my own.

My framework is a MVC based system that recently had a good refresh to make good use of the improved OO abilities of PHP 5, it isn’t really generic, its more tailor designed to work the way I do and to help me make things I do often easier.  As a result of using this framework for years now I have about 15 or so sites developed with it, some for my personal stuff – like a database of Film rolls – other for clients.  Till now everything had their own user database which makes changing passwords a right pain in the butt not to mention a huge job to adjust all the sites if/when I want to add additional authentication features.

So I started looking into Single Sign On systems but came up a bit short for complete ones that fits my bill, my needs are more or less:

  • Server and Client libraries in PHP but also client libraries in other languages.
  • Should store Real Name, Email Address, Time Zone and possibly other bits of information and share it on demand with other sites.
  • Work cross domains, so a single SSO server should be able to serve all my sites and possibly those of 3rd parties should they wish to.  This basically means the SSO server shouldn’t just go and set a domain cookie.
  • Have a good management system where users can manage their identities in a self-service manner.
  • Client sites should be registered with the server before they can use the SSO system.  When a users identity is accessed he should be shown information about description, contact details etc. it should be completely open to the user when his information gets shared and he should be able to say no.
  • The server should keep a log of all uses of the identity, in practice only the first requests do get logged, after that the user can be kept logged in on the clients and so new requests do not get made to the server.
  • Authentication should be modular so you can plug any user database into the server.  For instance I can share a single database between my imap, pop, smtp, ticketing system and any of my sites using the SSO system.
  • Legacy applications and third party applications that rely on standard HTTP Authentication should be able to use it, at least when run under Apache.  I want to be able to log into Cacti, Nagios, RT and others with a single login.

This is quite a long list of requirements, none of them are particularly difficult to be honest, the hardest part is the HTTP Authentication plugin, mostly because it relies on writing either a C Apache module or something in mod_perl.

I have written a SSO system that complies to these requirements and will over the course of a number of blog posts detail the design of such a system.  My intention is to open source the main server library and client library in PHP but won’t, at least for the foreseeable future, release the management application as that is quite a big deal to release a truly end user ready big web application like this.

I don’t know how many posts it will take to go through it all and I also don’t know how long it will take me to do them all, I guess I will in these posts retrofit a spec onto what I developed and hopefully pick up on bits that I missed along the way.  I hope this might be of use/interest to someone out there.

UPDATE: Part 2 is here.