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I have a number of ActiveMQ servers, 7 in total, 3 in a network of brokers the rest standalone. For MCollective I use topics extensively so don’t really need to monitoring them much other than for availability. I also though do a lot of Queued work where lots of machines put data in a queue and others process the data.

In the Queue scenario you absolutely need to monitor queue sizes, memory usage and such. You also need to graph things like rates of messages, consumer counts and memory use. I am busy writing a number of Nagios and Cacti plugins to help with this, you can find them on Github.

To use these you need to have the ActiveMQ Statistics Plugin enabled.

First we need to monitor queue sizes:

$ check_activemq_queue.rb --host localhost --user nagios --password passw0rd --queue exim.stats --queue-warn 1000 --queue-crit 2000
OK: ActiveMQ exim.stats has 1 messages

This will connect to localhost monitoring a queue exim.stats warning you when it’s got 1000 messages and critical at 2000.

I need to add to this the ability to monitor memory usage, this will come over the next few days.

I also have a plugin for Cacti it can output stats for the broker as a whole and also for a specific queue. First the whole broker:

$ activemq-cacti-plugin.rb --host localhost --user nagios --password passw0rd --report broker
stomp+ssl:stomp+ssl storePercentUsage:81 size:5597 ssl:ssl vm:vm://web3 dataDirectory:/var/log/activemq/activemq-data dispatchCount:169533 brokerName:web3 openwire:tcp://web3:6166 storeUsage:869933776 memoryUsage:1564 tempUsage:0 averageEnqueueTime:1623.90502285799 enqueueCount:174080 minEnqueueTime:0.0 producerCount:0 memoryPercentUsage:0 tempLimit:104857600 messagesCached:0 consumerCount:2 memoryLimit:20971520 storeLimit:1073741824 inflightCount:9 dequeueCount:169525 brokerId:ID:web3-44651-1280002111036-0:0 tempPercentUsage:0 stomp:stomp://web3:6163 maxEnqueueTime:328585.0 expiredCount:0

Now a specific queue:

$ activemq-cacti-plugin.rb --host localhost --user nagios --password passw0rd --report exim.stats
size:0 dispatchCount:168951 memoryUsage:0 averageEnqueueTime:1629.42897052992 enqueueCount:168951 minEnqueueTime:0.0 consumerCount:1 producerCount:0 memoryPercentUsage:0 destinationName:queue://exim.stats messagesCached:0 memoryLimit:20971520 inflightCount:0 dequeueCount:168951 expiredCount:0 maxEnqueueTime:328585.0

Grab the code on GitHub and follow there, I expect a few updates in the next few weeks.